Rolling updates

  • Let's change a scaled service: worker
  • Edit worker/

  • Locate the sleep instruction and change the delay

  • Build, ship, and run our changes:

    export TAG=v0.4
    docker-compose -f dockercoins.yml build
    docker-compose -f dockercoins.yml push
    docker stack deploy -c dockercoins.yml dockercoins

Viewing our update as it rolls out

  • Check the status of the dockercoins_worker service:
    watch docker service ps dockercoins_worker
  • Hide the tasks that are shutdown:
    watch -n1 "docker service ps dockercoins_worker | grep -v Shutdown.*Shutdown"

If you had stopped the workers earlier, this will automatically restart them.

By default, SwarmKit does a rolling upgrade, one instance at a time.

We should therefore see the workers being updated one my one.

Changing the upgrade policy

  • We can set upgrade parallelism (how many instances to update at the same time)

  • And upgrade delay (how long to wait between two batches of instances)

  • Change the parallelism to 2 and the delay to 5 seconds:
      docker service update dockercoins_worker \
        --update-parallelism 2 --update-delay 5s

The current upgrade will continue at a faster pace.

Changing the policy in the Compose file

  • The policy can also be updated in the Compose file

  • This is done by adding an update_config key under the deploy key:

        replicas: 10
          parallelism: 2
          delay: 10s

Rolling back

  • At any time (e.g. before the upgrade is complete), we can rollback:

    • by editing the Compose file and redeploying;

    • or with the special --rollback flag

  • Try to rollback the service:
    docker service update dockercoins_worker --rollback

What happens with the web UI graph?

The fine print with rollback

  • Rollback reverts to the previous service definition

  • If we visualize successive updates as a stack:

    • it doesn't "pop" the latest update

    • it "pushes" a copy of the previous update on top

    • ergo, rolling back twice does nothing

  • "Service definition" includes rollout cadence

  • Each docker service update command = a new service definition

Timeline of an upgrade

  • SwarmKit will upgrade N instances at a time
    (following the update-parallelism parameter)

  • New tasks are created, and their desired state is set to Ready (this pulls the image if necessary, ensures resource availability, creates the container ... without starting it)

  • If the new tasks fail to get to Ready state, go back to the previous step (SwarmKit will try again and again, until the situation is addressed or desired state is updated)

  • When the new tasks are Ready, it sets the old tasks desired state to Shutdown

  • When the old tasks are Shutdown, it starts the new tasks

  • Then it waits for the update-delay, and continues with the next batch of instances